Sunday, October 28, 2012

Blessings and Praises...


We all love to hear good feedback from our families. We might not get compliments right away like some but we can see the reaction to nice warm meals, clean home, and you having fun. I like to think my kids and I have a close bond. Lots of people will say "your their mom not there friend" I agree but to an extent. I am a mom who likes to be involved in my childs life if that means dancing to a new song they want me to hear while cooking. Then, so be it. :) I set down on occasion and bring up why I make certain decisions. They most of the time get it. They might not call me blessed right now but a smile and a hug works wonders for me. Not to long ago I took the time to tell my grandmother what a blessing she is in my life. I apologized for all my stupid remarks as a teen and said I see now you were only looking out for me. My grandparents raised me. I had a choice to be a homemaker or get out and get a job. Once my daughter was born I knew what I wanted to do. None of my children have been in daycare. They will later on see why and later call me blessed.

We might not hear things right away from our husband or as mine bits and pieces. But when you see that lunchbox packed and him give you a sweet kiss before he leaves be proud of yourself. In time he will praise you for it.

The most important acknowledgments is from our heavenly Father. When we know in our hearts he is happy with what we are and have done the rest don't matter as much.

Galatians 1:10 For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.

May God Bless you on your journey.  

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