Saturday, October 27, 2012

...Ways of her household


I so needed to study this today. I had to make some big decisions about where I put my time. After yesterday's parent teacher conference I realized something needs to change. My son Tyler is doing well in all areas but reading. Due to his dyslexia he is going backwards instead of forward. It hit me hard. I am on top of our kids education but things like this set you back. I decided right then I needed to prioritize my time. If we don't pay attention to those we love and take care of them things can happen. Make sure everything and everyone in the household has what they need. Get up from the computer a moment and spend time with each of your kids and husband. Putting off what you can do today will only make things harder later. Those facebook farms, texts, and phone calls can wait. God and family should come first.

May God Bless you on your journey.  

1 comment:

  1. Amen! This is so true! Thank you for sharing and linking up this week at Simply Helping Him! Blessings and prayers!
